Where to find us
Our office is on Oakfield Road at its junction with Alexandra Road, 200m west of Whiteladies Road.
On-street car parking is available locally although this is pay-and-display. Cycle parking is available at the front of the building.
Clifton Down Station which is served by the Severn Beach line from Temple Meads Station is 5mins walk from the office.
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- Aspect360 Ltd
- 45 Oakfield Road
- Clifton
- Bristol BS8 2AX
Office Telephone: (0117) 973 8662
Email: info@aspect360.co.uk
Colin Pemble
Mobile: 07833 570722
Email: colin.pemble@aspect360.co.uk
Jayne Harding
Mobile: 07789 605317
Email: jayne.harding@aspect360.co.uk
Company No. 06403212
VAT No. 914 6431 34
- Registered Office:
- 45 Oakfield Road, Clifton,
- Bristol, BS8 2AX
Details of the Company's Professional
Indemnity Insurance and Employers
Liability Insurance can be supplied
upon request.